We believe in all our products and stand by their quality and performance. If You however change Your mind, You may request a refund 14 days post purchase. We’ll be happy to refund the entire amount.
This process specifically applies to our products and is distinct from Themeforest themes, where the refund policy adheres to Themeforest's own refund guidelines.
We will process your refund as soon as possible. In some cases, we might even offer to resolve an issue for you if the reason of this change is related to some issue related to Theme.
No refunds will be processed after 14 days post purchase. If You are not happy, apply for a refund within 14 days after purchase.
Refund periods are based on the first purchase date. If You have purchased and requested a refund in the past, the 14 days are from the first purchase, not the repurchase date.
By requesting and receiving a refund, You relinquish all ownership of Your license and agree to cease the use of the Theme immediately.
The refunds do not apply on renewal payments.
To request for a refund for our premium Qi line products (Qi theme & Addons Premium, Qi Addons for Elementor Premium and Qi Templates Premium) please contact us at this email address: helpcenter@qodeinteractive.com
For canceling subscription regarding our Qi products please check this article.