There are certain server requirements for the import to be successful. We recommend setting parameter values on the server as follows (or to larger values) before the import - you can ask your hosting provider to increase parameter values for you:
Make sure that the Qi theme and Qode Essential Addons plugin are installed and activated before the import. The import option is located under Qode Essential Addons -> Import:
If you don’t see the Import option, ask your hosting provider to check in your PHP settings if the allow_url_fopen directive is enabled. The allow_url_fopen option needs to be enabled for the import to work.
For detailed instructions, see the following video tutorial starting from 01:30
If the import process does not reach 100%, try importing the Content (with attachments), Options, and Widgets (both without attachments) separately.
If you still have trouble with the import, feel free to contact our support team and our support agents will try to assist you.
Submit a ticket to our Help Center