One of the concepts we developed while designing the Backpack Traveler theme is to allow adding destinations to blog posts, thus effectively combining a destination post with a blog post.
The interconnectedness of these 2 post types can be seen throughout our demo site.
Here’s an example of a blog slider on our homepage illustrating this.
By clicking on the article’s destination, you will arrive at the destination item (single) page
A link See Articles is located in the sidebar of a destination item.
Clicking on the link takes you to an archive page containing all blog posts with the same destination assigned (in our example, it’s Canada).
There are however a few steps that should take in order for this functionality to work properly. Specifically, take a look at these 2 steps, which should be performed in this exact order:
Step 1 - First off, you should create a blank page, with this page template:
Step 2 - Then You can proceed to Backpack Traveler Options > Destinations, and assign that page as your Destination Post page.
Don’t forget to save the changes in the top right corner after assigning your Destination Post page.
Note: Your Destination Posts page displays only the posts which have been assigned a corresponding destination item, which means you need to select the following two options:
It’s important to stress that destinations need to be assigned to each specific single post individually. You can of course choose not to assign a destination to a post if you wish so.