There are some features of the Backpack Traveler theme which are unique and as such they could be challenging to less experienced WordPress users, and hence, they require a bit more explaining.
One of those features is the Destinations menu found at the top of the header area.
This space at the top of the header is actually a widget area called Header Top Bar Left Column, and you can find it in Appearance > Widgets.
As seen in the screenshot, said widget area contains a custom HTML widget and code.
In order to change a menu item, both the menu item name as well as the URL link need to be changed directly in the code.
We’ll use the menu item Australia in our example.
The URL can be found between the opening " and the closing " of the href attribute, while the name is set between the opening and closing span tags.
If we change the link name to Canada and its URL to its corresponding URL (in our case - ), we get the following result:
Additional notices:
⦁ Header Top Bar Left Column is one of 3 default header top widget areas.
This means that either:
⦁ The same changes described above need to be performed in those widget areas as well;
⦁ The custom header widget area needs to be set to Default, this displaying the default widget area – Header Top Bar Left Column – as described above.
One notable example of this is the Backpack Traveler’s Provence homepage.
⦁ It may occur that sometimes, after an incomplete demo import, the world icon located next to the Destinations menu simply isn’t displayed.
This issue can be easily fixed, and there are 2 ways you could go about it:
⦁ Importing the demo content once more, this time widgets only.
If you reimport the widgets, you will effectively override any changes and editing work you may have done with the previously imported widgets.
⦁ Manually adding the missing code which renders the image.
As long as the image is imported, the code is as follows:
<img width="24" height="20" src="your-url/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/centred-with-logo-top-heder.png" class="image wp-image-880 attachment-full size-full" alt="o" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;">
Of course, the your-url bit of code should be replaced with your actual URL.
In our case, we used the http://backpacktraveler.test and you should add your URL the same way we did here: