Anchor links consist of a normal link, which is pointing to the anchor, and the anchor itself. Links pointing to the anchor are regular links, which start with the # character. The bottom line anchor itself is a specific place somewhere on your page (a section, textual content, etc.).
Our themes let you easily add anchors and create neat one-page layouts.
To create an anchor link, open the page options and follow these steps:
Step 1 - Open the rows with the content on your page that you want to assign anchors to, and set a unique Anchor ID for each of these rows.
Your row options may differ from the ones pictured here
It’s important that you enter the ID in the Anchor ID field, and not the Row ID field. The anchor name should use lowercase letters and contain no spaces.
Step 2 - Navigate to Appearance > Menus and drag the page containing the anchor to your menu. If there are several anchors on the same page, simply add more instances of this page to your menu.
If you want to combine regular menu links and anchor links, you should use Custom Links to create menu items which contain anchor links. In Custom Link options, simply set up an Anchor ID with a full page link:
Step 3 - In the Navigation Label field, enter the name you want to display in the menu. In the Anchor field, enter the corresponding anchor ID that you set up in step 1.
Your menu options may differ from the ones pictured here
Our themes also let you activate the Smooth Scroll option with anchor links, for better overall effect.