When it comes to Bridge theme, the Read More button for articles is implemented only in the following blog page templates:
⋅ A - Blog Large Image (all of its variations except for Blog Large Image Simple)
⋅ B - Blog Small Image
⋅ C - Blog Compound
⋅ D - Blog Vertical Loops
In order to show Read More buttons on any other blog page template, some code modifications are inevitable.
To make sure all these modifications are saved, we recommend using the Bridge child theme. In the folder/directory on the following path you can find files you need to edit in order to add these buttons for every blog page template in our theme:
You can find the files you need to edit to add these buttons for every blog page template in our theme in the following folder/directory:
So if you want to add Read More buttons to Blog Masonry templates, you should copy the blog_masonry-loop.php file from that folder, and paste it to the same folder in the Bridge child theme. If this folder/directory doesn’t exist in the child theme, you should go ahead and create it.
Once you are done with this, you should have this fine on the following path:
Now you can start with modifying the actual file.
First you should note that there are 6 different Post Formats variants (Standard, Video, Gallery, Audio, Quote, Link), and the way each one of these is displayed is defined in these *.php template files (e.g. blog_masonry-loop.php). So, you would have to add the Read More button for every post format you want separately. In order to achieve this, you should search the file for:
case “format_name”
Instead of format_name you should enter e.g. case “gallery”,or case “video”, etc. - except in the case of Standard blog variation. To search for it, you should just search for default: without the case keyword.
You should be careful about where you are making these changes, so you don’t add a button to a post format you didn’t want by mistake. After you’re sure you located the code for the Post Format you want to add a Read More button to, you should add the following code snippet somewhere before closing the article html tag (</article>).
<?php if ( ! post_password_required() ) { ?>
<div class="post_more">
<a itemprop="url" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="qbutton small"><?php esc_html_e('Read More','bridge'); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
Where exactly you add this code depends on where would you like your button to be displayed; and it also depends on the Post Format since these are all structured differently.
In our blog masonry example, if you want to add the read more button for Standard format posts somewhere between the excerpt and the post info (date/comments):
You should search for default: (for Standard format) and in the following screenshot you can see where you should add this code so that it is displayed after the excerpt (<?php bridge_qode_excerpt(); ?>) and before the post info (<div class="post_info"> ).
After this code is added, and the Bridge child theme is activated on your site, you should see the read more buttons displayed on Blog Masonry templates for Standard Format Posts:
If you want to add these buttons for other post formats, you would have to repeat the step described above and do what we did for Standard (default) in other format cases.
Same goes if you want to modify any other Blog template.
You can also perform these modification directly in the parent theme files, but if you are to update the theme at any point in the future, your modifications would be lost. However, if you still want to do it that way, make sure you always have backups so you can reproduce the modifications you’ve previously made.