Make sure that you connected to your Instagram account as explained here. If your posts aren’t displaying, you can try resetting Instagram from your database. To reset Instagram:
Step 1 - Log into your WordPress dashboard. In the URL, type in options.php after wp-admin/, so that it looks similar to this:
Step 2 - Do a search for the term Instagram and delete all data associated with it.
Your option names might differ from the ones pictured
Click on Save Changes.
With some servers, you might not be able to access options.php through the WordPress admin panel. In that case, you’ll need to access your database directly and delete these options.
Step 3 - Log your browser out of Instagram, if logged in.
Step 4 - Navigate to Theme Options > Social Share and connect to your Instagram account.
If you get redirected to a blank page, open up a new tab in your browser, navigate to Theme Options > Social Networks and just click on the Connect with Instagram button again.
You should now be successfully logged in.
Some our customers have suggested using of Instagram Feed 3rd party plugin.
You can also take a look at our tutorial on Instagram Feed here.