This article is applicable only to our custom, theme-made contact forms.
In order to make your contact forms autoreply, all you need to do is to replace a piece of code which looks similar to this:
$email_from = $themename_options['email_from'];
with the following code:
$email_from = $_POST["email"];
You can do this in a file located in the Core plugin files (this file is most commonly called helper.php).
We will illustrate this with several examples, as the both code and the file path differ depending on the theme.
Navigate to \wp-content\plugins\bridge-core\helpers\helper.php and replace this line:
$email_from = bridge_qode_options()->getOptionValue('email_from');
With this line:
$email_from = $_POST["email"];
Navigate to \wp-content\plugins\stockholm-core\modules\helper.php and replace this line:
$email_from_option = stockholm_qode_options()->getOptionValue( 'email_from' );
With this line:
$email_from_option = $_POST["email"];
Navigate to \wp-content\plugins\hazel-core\modules\ajax_mail.php and replace this line:
$email_from = sanitize_email( $qode_options_hazel['email_from'] );
With this line:
$email_from = sanitize_email( $_POST["email"] );
In case you aren’t familiar enough with coding, or you don’t feel comfortable making the suggested change, you can submit a ticket and ask one of our support agents to do this for you.