To create a Quiz Question you should navigate to LMS > Questions. There you will see a list of questions as well as the option to add a new question:
Once you’ve created a new question, input the question in the title area, and scroll to the Question Settings section. There you will be able to input a question description as well as to pick a type of question you wish to use. The available types are Single Choice, Multi Choice and Text questions.
For Single and Multi Choice types you can add choices and mark the ones that are correct:
The Question Mark field determines how many points each question is worth. You can also add a hint for each question in the Question Hint field.
When it comes to the Text question type, you will have a field for the correct answer instead of adding choices:
The correct answer to the question is the text you input into this field.
Once you’ve created you Questions, you can add them to the Quizzes that you will use in Courses later on.